A porridge revolution: help kickstart 26 Grains

26 grains kickstarter

Porridge – the warming breakfast that wakes you, fills you and makes you feel ready for the day. Well, this is even more so the case when you get your porridge from Alex at 26 Grains. This breakfast cuisinier is an absolute genius as far as we’re concerned. That’s why we want to support her and her beautiful company go from pop up shop to permanent establishment in Neal’s Yard, Covent Garden. There are only 3 days left to do so, by clicking on this link  and helping the cause. We remember the days when HelloFresh was just a few paper bags in Patrick’s kitchen, so supporting other businesses we love, to grow and grow, is close to our hearts.

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Plentiful Parsley? It’s Chimichurri time

chimichurri recipe

Recently Renee and Camilla, from our recipe dream team, have been getting quite a few emails about leftover herbs in our boxes. Sometimes we add in a few extras herbs to make sure that everyone has enough. But as waste is a big no no for  us, we thought we would create some helpful posts over the next few months that will help you think of fun new ways to use your leftover herbs!

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That’ll teach you: momones

Momones fruit

Happy Monday guys!

I think most of us are in slight shock that the weather man keeps saying it’s going to be 30+ degrees this week. Not quite sure how to cope with the news… but I imagine shorts will help. Shorts and ice lollies.

Last week, Adriana from marketing came over to my desk and asked, with a mix of excitement and bewilderment “Have you seen these before?”. Don’t worry, luckily she wasn’t talking about some number filled spreadsheets… she was referring to these little green delectable fruits. The marketing team are fab, they know I’m always trying to find new, unknown types of food for you all, so they’re constantly sending me little messages with ideas like “how about snowcones?” “have you heard of ice kachang?” “Can we put Halo-halo on the blog?”. So, watch this space.

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Friday Feeling 6 – It’s all about the love!

Orange and feta salad

Today is the day when the possibilities of the weekend lay in front of us all, like a beautiful rainbow of possibilities… I think in this analogy we are all unicorns. And I like it. That’s right people, it’s Friday.

Did you know that the origins of the word Friday come from the Celtic goddess Freja’s name. She was the Celtic version of the goddess of love, Venus. How fitting that the origins of the word Friday is love. Love is all you need and sometimes so is Friday.

As an ode to Friday and Freja, this post is going to be a collection of places, stories and people who have been spreading some pretty decent love around recently. The Friday Feeling is normally all about food and at HelloFresh we love food, but it’s about more than food too. It’s about bringing people together, gathering you around a kitchen table, when you cook, when you eat and as you create a dish for your friends and family. So yeah, we love the love that food can create and we appreciate other people spreading love in their own way. It’s pretty corny, but hey I’m listening to emotional German rap as I write this.

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Homemade Berry and Apple ice lollies

apple and berry ice lolly recipe

Feel like you need to chill? For me, ice lollies are the perfect way to deal with hot summer weather. I’ve never been a huge fan of ice cream because it’s pretty heavy and super filling. But I will devour 3 ice lollies in a row if I get the chance. Anyone who got the Fresh Times (our newsletter) in their box last month, will have seen these cheeky looking homemade ice lollies on the cover. This is just a quick post to show you all how quick and easy making ice lollies is.

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Our customer corner: Kristina and Jacob

HelloFresh review
At the Fresh Farm, hearing our customers’ stories makes our day. Whenever we read about the positive impact that our boxes have had on someone’s day, it makes the team beam with pride and joy and makes all the hard work worth it!

Because story hogging isn’t our style, we set off to find some customers who had some interesting little bits to to say about HelloFresh. Once we had found them, it was “lights, camera, action” and the result are these heartwarming videos.

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Our Fathers’ Stories

As you all hopefully know by now, this Sunday is Father’s day. A day to celebrate the men that raised us, that taught us how to ride bikes, how to fish, how to laugh and how to sneak an extra biscuit when mum isn’t looking! We thought we would share the stories of the father’s behind the HelloFresh team – with some epic photos to match!

HelloFresh: Father's Day

“I absolutely miss his Sunday roasts. There’s always something new thrown in every week like chilli spiked gravy”

Meet little Daniel and his dad Huw. Daniel has grown into a fantastic customer care team leader! And well, his father is somewhat of a HelloFresh hero – spending his spare time growing all the family vegetables on his allotment – even throwing them into his HelloFresh recipes when he has a courgette or two going spare! He grows a whole plethora of weird vegetables from soya beans to lemon cumbers and neon coloured radishes. We love his approach to food!
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That’ll teach you: Rambutan

spiky red fruit rambutan

You may have seen this spiky red fiendish looking fruit in your local asian supermarket in the UK. They are called Rambutan and don’t worry, they are not as “out there” as they look. In fact, they are pretty tasty and what you will find behind the devilish top layer is a fruit that is very similar to lychee. They originate from Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia and I love the way they look.

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